Originally Posted by Method
I watched SOA for a couple of seasons. Something that always struck me was that every single biker is a TERRIBLE shot.
peeelus one to all of the reality tv shows. Especially those stupid motherfucking vapid ass real housewives. Those women are the epitome of what's wrong with today's society and those shows are just perpetuating the issue.
Agreed, yet they keep makin gmore shows like that or plastering us with what the kardashians are up to.
I watched some of an episode of one of those bachelor shows and couldnt believe people actualy watch that shit, I felt my self getting dumber as it went on.
I never saw that duck dynasty show and have no idea what its about so I couldnt comment, but like trip said it seems those swamp people type shows have run thier short course. Now its anything to do with alaska it seems.