Originally Posted by eBBs15
ok... what if the truck was pulling out of the drive way? he's impeeding traffic... and caused an accident...
yes... if the cop was stopped... he would be at fault. I don't know about MI... but in oregon... if you are broke down on the road... YOU MUST move the vehicle completely off the road... if you cannot get the vehcle completely off the road... YOU MUST PLACE FLAIRS AND/OR REFLECTIVE MARKERS 50 Yards before to warn drivers. and before you start picking this apart... the law actually says vehicles IMPEEDING TRAFFIC... ie broken down, blocking the road, or slow moving vehciles (they can get away with flashers as they have to be visible from >50yards)
so really it depends on the states...
he's backing up on a public road with out a warning to traffic... how is it not?
Did you overlook the deer example purposely? The truck was backing up...he was already well covering both lanes for a good amount of time..he didn't just pull out in front all of the sudden.
You seem to think you have a right to do the speed limit with nothing in front stopping you. Wrong. You need to yield to the vehicle in front.