last monday I was burnt at work by molten zink. Large second and third degree burns on the left leg, pathches, from the knee, calf, multiple spots on the top of foot, heel, and ball of the foot. I tripped on a bolt in the floor (that shouldnt have been there), stumbvled, and one leg went into the 6 inch deep mould, about 600 degrees.
Luckily im a calm person and removed the boot, socks, and tore off the pantleg immediately, or it would have been much, much worse.
I've been in here since monday, had one surgery yesterday to remove the dead skin on the 3rd degree burns, and another tomorrow to graph new skin on them. I cant say im very excited. im here for at least another week, and my motorcycle and golf season are done until at least the end of july. And im off work on compensation until the end of september at the earliest.
I havent spent more than a few hours in a hospital since i was 6 (tonsilectomy SP?), besides 17 days in a detox center, which was much, much different. They had a gym and I could walk.
I may go crazy before this is over, but at least ive got a great team of nurses and doctors looking after me, and they are doing a fantastic job.
Im super happy i live in canada though, as when this is done ill be ridden home in an ambulance and attended by an extra-mural nurse to clean the wounds, and change my dressings, daily and the final cost to me will be 0$, so thats a bonus.
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know what was up, and say hello.
Im on dial up here too, so that isnt helping my sanity any!
Ladies, now would be a good time to pity me and show me your