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Old 02-16-2011, 05:01 AM   #1
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Default sickening...


CBS News reporter Lara Logan beaten, sexually assaulted during Cairo celebration
CBS's "60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan is shown covering the reaction in Cairo's Tahrir Square the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down.
CBS's "60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan is shown covering the reaction in Cairo's Tahrir Square the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down. (AP)

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By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 15, 2011; 8:37 PM

Lara Logan, CBS News' chief foreign correspondent, was beaten and sexually assaulted by a mob in Tahrir Square last week while covering the celebrations surrounding the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, CBS News said Tuesday.
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CBS News reporter Lara Logan beaten, sexually assaulted during Cairo celebration

In a brief statement, the network said Logan is in an American hospital recovering from her injuries, the extent of which have not been disclosed.

Logan was covering the celebrations for "60 Minutes" when she and her colleagues, including a security force, were surrounded by more than 200 people, according to CBS' statement.

Logan was separated from her group and suffered what CBS said was "a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating." She was rescued by a group of women and 20 Egyptian soldiers, the network said.

She rejoined her colleagues at their hotel and returned to the United States the following day, Saturday.

CBS News said it was not commenting further.

Logan has reported from numerous foreign locales as a reporter, including Iraq and Afghanistan. The native of South Africa has regularly risked her life by following U.S. troops into combat.

Logan became a correspondent for "60 Minutes" in 2006 and was a contributor to the old "60 Minutes II" from 2002 to 2004. She also reports for "CBS Evening News" and appears on "The Early Show" and "Face the Nation."

She was the only American TV network reporter in Baghdad when the U.S. military invaded the city in 2003.

She was slightly injured in 2005 while riding in a military vehicle while reporting for "60 Minutes II" about a battle along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

She has also been a general assignment reporter for CBS Radio.

Previously, she was a correspondent for ITN and Fox/Sky network in Great Britain and an assignment editor for CBS News and ABC News in London. She was also a freelance correspondent for CNN in 1998 and 1999, and covered the U.S. Embassy bombings in Nairobi and Tanzania, the conflict in Northern Ireland and the war in Kosovo, among other stories.

Logan, 39, is the mother of two young children. Her husband is Joe Burkett, a defense contractor. They met in Baghdad while she was covering the war. Logan and Burkett own a home in Washington.

International reporters came under attack during the protests in Egypt last week by assailants apparently aligned with the Mubarak regime, but the assaults appeared to stop with Mubarak's departure from power Friday. Reports of violence against reporters died down when the celebrations began.

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Originally Posted by Trip View Post
Moral of this story is everyone is fucked up no matter atheist or religious.
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