Originally Posted by TIGGER
I have heard rumors that guys actually pay for sex but I find it hard to believe...
All men pay for sex, in one form or another.
Originally Posted by Tmall
The funny thing is troy, you can try to make somebody happy. But, they are the deciding factor in that happiness.
You can give a woman the world, but if she wants the moon, you're fucked.
Usually, you give her the world and she wants nothing to do with you because you're willing to give her the world. She'd rather have the guy who treats her like shit because she thinks she can "fix" him. Either that, or she's a spoiled bitch who now wants the moon and everything beyond just because you gave her the world.
Originally Posted by Fleck750
Anything in pink sucks, too.
I'm at a total loss at why grown women would purchase pink bikes, motorcycle gear or freaking pink helmets. Didn't they have enough of that color crammed down their throats when they were little?
I painted my little girls room pink, but only because that's what color she asked me to paint it. I've told her that when she's tired of the color, I'll paint it whatever color she wants. Luckily, I can still give her the world and she thinks the world of me because of it.