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Old 04-14-2008, 01:50 PM   #1
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Default Race Report, WERA @ LVMS, Last Race Carnage

I posted this on the local Vegas forum this morning, thought I'd share with you guys too. I realize you won't know the screen names or who I'm talking about though. DLIT manages to show up for the last race, the one with all of the carnage.

First, let me just say, there were many people named "Dave" involved this weekend. We have Dave (gibsonhtp), David (wera110), Dave (dieseldave), and another Dave, who is a friend of ours from Cali who pitted with us.

I just want to thank everyone who helped out in the pits. You made the riders' lives a lot less stressful so we could actually focus on racing. Steve, Dave, Dave's wife (heh, sorry), Julie, Robert, and of course, Bonnie. Also, thanks to everyone who came to hang out and watch. You guys make it feel like we actually have fans! Also, thanks to Tommy for letting me borrow the scooter, it worked out great in the pits and saved us a lot of time with tire transport.

Saturday, I got a call about 5:45 from Josh (MotoCafe), telling me to get my ass down to the track quick if I wanted a spot because the paddock was full. I thought he was just being a dick, but anyway, I showed up at 6:30, like I had planned. The place was packed, I couldn't believe it. I managed to get into the spot that Josh had saved on Friday, so we did all right for pit space.

There was the usual hectic setup on Saturday. Waiting in line for an hour, unloading the bikes, teching the bikes, and getting ready for morning practice. To add to my difficulties on Saturday, I had all new gear, leathers, boots, and gloves. None of it was broken in. So I had 3 practice sessions in the morning to get used to my gear, set up my bike, and start putting down the times.

Sure, I had it rough, but at least I didn't tuck the front, only to have my bike slide off and catch on fire like David did! Luckily, the corner workers ran up with a fire extinguisher and put it out pretty quickly. While I was changing out my rear tire, David, Josh, and Ed were putting David's bike back together frantically before the 20-lap race that was quickly approaching.

The first race of the weekend, the Middleweight Novice Solo 20. Stephen and I started up toward the front, with David and Josh behind us. Stephen and I both got good starts, he went up to 1st I think, and I went up into 5th. I ended up getting held up by the guy in 4th for a while, while the front 3 broke away. Then two guys came from behind, split me and 4th, managed to get around him, and took off. I finally got around now 6th place, and tried to catch back up to get pulled up to the front, but couldn't manage. It was a long race from that point. No one behind me, the front group varying about 2-5 seconds ahead of me as they battled. It's really difficult to stay consistent without someone in front of you, but from my lap times, it looks like I managed. About 15 laps into the race, we started making our way through the back markers. While I got held up, one more guy managed to pass me. I came up behind David and two other guys (who were all a lap down), and that's where I finished. Exhausted, in 7th place. Stephen ended up in 5th. It turns out, David's left clip-on hadn't been tightened all the way when they put his bike back together. So he had to pit and fix it, then jump back on. Funny enough, I won some money for that race, my first time winning cash... a cool $30, the last payout spot.

The second race was the Middleweight Expert Solo 20. Ed raced that one, but the rest of us were so exhausted, I didn't even get to watch most of it. By the time I got up, I couldn't tell who was in what position. Ed came in, not too happy, so I didn't ask where he finished.

Diesel Dave did the Heavyweight Novice Solo 20 later in the day. I managed to watch most of that one. For his first race in a long time, he did great! He ended up in 4th position, after telling me before the race he was just going to use it as a practice since he hadn't ridden in so long. Good work Dave!

I also watched Pridmore for a little in the Heavyweight Expert Solo 20. That guy is still ridiculous. He started toward the back, but managed to make his way up to the front really quick. The guy in first had already pulled away from the pack after a couple laps, but Jason caught him so quick, it wasn't even funny. After that, he was gone. He probably lapped all the way up to 4th place by the end.

Sunday, as always, was a bit more relaxed. Again, I showed up about 6:30. Got the bikes unloaded, moved the trailers around a little, and got ready to go out and practice. Craig, who hadn't raced on Saturday, had a few issues trying to get registered and tech'd in the morning, but managed to get out there by the 2nd practice. I got 3 practice rounds in, and then put on some new rubber. No incidents in practice for any of us on Sunday morning.

Ed had the first race of the day. C Superbike Expert (600cc). The rest of us, who had the next race, only watched the start. Ed had to start in the middle, nowhere near the front.

I had mentioned earlier how packed the paddock was. On Saturday, the grids didn't really seem too much larger than normal... but not too many people do the solo races. 20 laps at race pace is very difficult to manage. Sunday was a different story, with the grids of the sprint races hugely inflated.

Anyway, Ed got a decent start and worked his way around the pack. The rest of us had to go get ready, so we never knew where he finished.

The second race of the day, David, Josh, Craig, Stephen, and myself were all in. C Superbike Novice (600cc). All but Craig were gridded toward the front, which made the start much more interesting. The flag waved and we were off. I got a great start, up into 5th from 4th row on the grid (started 10th). Stephen was in the cluster in front of me, and we hauled ass around the track for the first lap. I managed to hold 5th, but as we came off the sweeper, the red flags were waving. I didn't see what happened, but we went into the pits and threw the warmers back on. 15 minutes later, we were called up for a re-grid. The second start was even better for me. I shot up into 4th, but again, after only a couple corners, the red flags were waving. We didn't come off the track this time, we went straight back to the grid as they cleared some bikes from turn 1. The third start for me, didn't go as well. I got into 6th this third and final start. We did the full 8 laps for this race, even with the restarts. I passed a few guys, and got passed by a few guys. The whole time, trying to catch up to Stephen, but couldn't quite manage. In the end, I finished in 6th.

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Old 04-14-2008, 01:51 PM   #2
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Continued race report...

Originally Posted by zortness
Ed had the next one for our pit, race 5, B Superbike Expert (750cc). This time, he was gridded toward the front. A few laps in, he had worked his way up to 5th. When he tried to pass 4th, he ended up running off the track, which put him back in 12th. In a couple laps, he had worked his way back up to 10th. I didn't see what happened, as again, the rest of us had the next race, but Ed lost the front in turn 1, trying to pass again. The bike was fine, and Ed was fine, but he was obviously very frustrated.

Again, David, Josh, Stephen, Craig, and myself all gridded up for race 6, B Superbike Novice (750cc). Because all of us had points in this class, all of us were gridded toward the front, right next to each other. In addition, Diesel Dave was also in this race, his first sprint. There are usually very few 750's, mostly 600's in this class. The race was fun. Again, I passed a few people, and got passed by a few people, the whole time with Stephen in front of me. I finished in 5th and I think Josh was right behind me.

Next up were Dave from Cali and Diesel Dave in race 8, A Superbike Novice. Dave from Cali finished 4th, I didn't see where Diesel Dave finished, but he was doing pretty well all weekend.

In race 10, Dave from Cali finished 3rd I believe. I didn't get to watch the race, but there weren't any incidents.

By this point, Ed had decided he wasn't going to do his last two races. He was frustrated and probably decided it would be better to call it a day than go out there and push too hard out of anger and crash again.

Next up was the dreaded "Meat Grinder," C Superstock Novice, race 13. This race is always packed wall-to-wall. Josh, David, Stephen, Craig, and myself were joined by John (teamdreamin) on the grid. Unfortunately, I had caught the crappy end of the stick in this class in the Fontana race. In Fontana, I had to start in the 2nd wave in like 25th position, and finished just outside of the points. Craig, who had been taken out in his 2nd race at Fontana, had no points to push him up the gird either, and he registered late, so he was at the very back. So this time, everyone except for Craig were 6 rows in front of me. I was right in the middle of the meat grinder. When the flag dropped, I got off the line really well... I was used to starting at the front at this point, and everyone usually gets off the line really well, but the guys in the middle were slow off the line. I almost thought I had jumped the start or something. I had no idea where I was, but I knew I had to make up as many positions as possible to make some points in this class. I probably passed 8-10 people going into turn 1. It was excruciatingly slow through the first 2 corners as the pack was 3 wide, all trying to get a position. I don't even remember most of the race. I was caught up in traffic everywhere, trying to throw passes left and right. I think it was lap 6 that the red flags came out. Coming out of the last turn, 2 bikes were on the ground, including Tim, another local. He didn't look too good, but he ended up ok. No re-grid this time, since the race had gotten past half-distance. We finished where we crossed the line last. I think I ended up in 10th.

John had race 14 too, the Senior Superbike race. I was in the pits, exhausted, but somehow he managed to take 1st in the race. Good work John!

The last race of the day is always the most interesting. The B classes usually have smaller grids, and by that point, a lot of people have crashed out, decided to go home, or just didn't sign up for the race so they could get back to their own state before midnight. On top of that, people are tired, the sun's in a bad position, and the track can start to go cold or the grip can decay a bit.

So, the last race of the day, race 17, B Superstock Novice. Stephen, John, David, Josh, myself, and Craig all lined up. I think there were only 15 riders. I was on the 3rd row, with almost a clear shot at turn 1. The start was fun. Again, I passed David, Josh, and another guy, but somehow Josh managed to dive under me into the first turn. Stephen got an awesome start from the front row, and he was out front, followed by another guy, Josh, John, and myself. For a while, it was a 3-way battle for third. We tripped each other up a bit, and the front 2 started pulling away a little. On the last lap of the race, it was Stephen, another guy, John, me, and Josh, all right on top of each other. John was almost in passing distance on 2nd, and I was right on his ass coming off the back straight. I was going to go up the inside of John in turn 7, the left handed horseshoe. That was my plan anyway.

Coming out of turn 6 is where shit hit the fan. I'm on John's ass, about to dive up the inside when I see Stephen's bike tumbling off into the sunset, with the 2nd guy in tow sliding off into the dirt. John cuts back to the inside of the track, so he's literally a few inches in front of me, and we both slow down. In my head, I'm thinking "Ok, either they hit each other, or there's oil on the track." John and I stayed tight through 7 when suddenly John lost the front. It was oil. All over the track. Granted, we slowed down, but the exit of 7 is tight. I'm pretty sure my knee was still on the ground at this point. I felt my front go and I somehow pushed the bike up off my knee. My feet came off the pegs and I tried to push the bike straight up and down, but lost the front AGAIN. This time I know I pushed it up off my foot because I have a nice bruise on my shin from the peg jamming into my leg. Somehow, I stayed up, ran straight over the curbing in turn 8. At almost a dead stop at this point, I turned around to see no less than 6 riders and bikes on the ground behind me, red flags finally waving. Holy shit. I slowly rolled into the pit lane, the sole survivor from the front pack. The checkered flag off to my right in the tower, now covered with a red flag. I yelled out a few expletives as I rolled in, stopped, and waited for a few minutes, before rolling back into the pit.

It turns out, someone had blown his motor going into 7, and managed to keep his bike upright all the way through 7 before running off 8 and pushing his bike back to the pit. All of this happened in the middle of the pack the previous lap, but for some reason, the race wasn't red flagged. Hell, I didn't even see a waving yellow when I came through 6, but I was a bit preoccupied.

Stephen got the worst of it. He highsided and his bike tumbled. It looked a bit like Wade's, with the front end all smashed up. He also hurt his hand, so hopefully it's just a bruise and nothing's broken. The rest of the bikes had minor lowside damage. Josh had decided to go on the outside of John and I going into 7 as we slowed, which put him straight into the oil and he slid off into the dirt.

In the end, they scored the race as we had crossed the finish line on the last lap. That sucks for me though, cuz I had passed Josh after that point, but oh well. Stephen got 1st, John, got 3rd, Josh got 4th, and I got 5th. The end of a crazy race.

So, after the weekend was all said and done, all of the usual Vegas people had gone down, except for Craig and myself. Three in the last race. Despite the carnage, I think everyone did really well, and was pretty happy with themselves, except for Ed who had been pretty hard on himself.

After packing up and fighting the NHRA traffic to get to the 15, I went home, dropped off the trailer, picked up Wade, Courtney, and Bonnie, and we headed to MotoCafe for a test run of the menu. It was actually packed. Tons of people from the track had shown up, trailers and bikes in tow. Great food too. It should be open in the next couple days, after they get their inventory shipment in. Keep an eye on the boards for an announcement.

Keep the shiny side up, folks!
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Old 04-14-2008, 01:53 PM   #3
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Yeah I was at the last race. Cornerworkers get a F--. They had ample time to throw caution/red flags but didn't, even know there was a huge cloud of smoke from the dude's bike. They're the reason why thousands of dollars of damage was done. And I drove by there on the way to work and the oil is STILL on the track, shining away. Something to look out for on the 26th, Kurt.
Dress for the crash.
Not the ride.

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Old 04-14-2008, 01:55 PM   #4
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Thanks for the update.
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Old 04-14-2008, 02:34 PM   #5
the chi
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Wow!! Crazy, but great recap!! Glad no one was seriously injured!
Originally Posted by Cutty72 View Post
The Chi hath spoken...
and let it be known that what The Chi hath spoketh, will henceforth be done.
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